Farry: $350,000 Grant Secured for Bensalem Township Police Department to Improve Regional SWAT Capabilities

HARRISBURG – Sen. Frank Farry (R-6), along with Reps. K.C. Tomlinson (R-18), Kristin Marcell (R-178), Shelby Labs (R-143), Joe Hogan (R-142) and Craig Staats (R-145), announced today that the Bensalem Township Police Department has been awarded a $350,000 grant to acquire a Lenco BearCat. The state-of-the-art armored rescue vehicle will serve all three Bucks County regional special units and tactical (SWAT) teams.

The Lenco BearCat is a critical tool designed for modern law enforcement. It enables tactical officers to safely approach and manage hostile situations, safeguarding civilians and officers during high-risk incidents such as terrorist threats, hostage scenarios and large-scale confrontations. The BearCat offers advanced protection against small arms, explosives and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), ensuring that law enforcement personnel can operate with maximum safety in the most dangerous environments.

“Two of our main priorities as elected officials are public safety and ensuring our first responders have the most effective resources to do their jobs,” Farry said. “We are all thrilled to have secured this funding for a BearCat for the safety of Bucks County.”

Bucks County currently has three SWAT teams that cover the county – the south, south central and the central teams. Bensalem Township is part of the south team and maintains the highest number of operators, commanders and medics on the team.

“In today’s unpredictable environment, it is vital to equip our first responders with the most effective and protective equipment available,” said William McVey, Bensalem Police Department director and president of the Police Chiefs Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania. “The acquisition of a BearCat/Rescue Vehicle will greatly enhance the safety of our officers when deployed to high-risk incidents, as well as the safety of our community. Mayor Joseph DiGirolamo and I are thankful to Sen. Farry and Reps. Tomlinson, Marcell, Labs, Hogan, and Staats for their efforts to secure this funding. We are also grateful that they share our commitment to public safety in Bensalem and Bucks County.”

Currently, Bucks County’s three SWAT teams share a single BearCat that has been in service for more than 15 years. Housed in central Bucks County, this vehicle often has a response time of up to two hours, particularly for incidents in the southern part of the county. The addition of a new BearCat stationed in Bensalem Township will drastically reduce response times, particularly in the densely populated southern regions of the county.

“Since elected, public safety and supporting our police and first responders has been at the very top of the priority list,” Tomlinson said. “As a team we worked together to secure this funding and I am very proud that Bensalem will be the home of the new Bearcat. Law enforcement will now have another tool on their tool belt and Bucks County residents can rest a little easier.”

“The addition of a BearCat will assist the Bucks County SWAT Teams in their regional response to emergency situations while improving safety for all involved. As president of the Bucks County Chiefs Association, I am thankful that Bucks County residents and law enforcement officers are safer because of Sen. Farry and Reps. Tomlinson, Marcell, Labs, Hogan, and Staats securing the necessary funds to acquire a BearCat,” said Daniel Friel, chief of the Warrington Township Police Department and president of the Police Chiefs Association of Bucks County. “This addition will help to keep all of Bucks County safe.”

 The grant was awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Community and Economic Assistance Program.


CONTACT: Nicole McGerry 

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