HARRISBURG – Sen. Frank Farry (R-6) was assigned to serve on seven standing Senate committees during the 2023-24 legislative session: Urban Affairs and Housing as chair; Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure as vice chair; Appropriations; Communications and Technology; Community, Economic and Recreational Development; Health and Human Services; and Law and Justice.
Farry was sworn into office on Tuesday, Jan. 3 to represent the 6th Senate District in Bucks County after serving in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for seven terms.
“I am eager to begin the important work of vetting bills and determining if they will benefit the Commonwealth and its residents,” Farry said. “The strong list of committees I received will provide the opportunity to consider many different legislative topics.”
The committees provide legislative oversight and help shape the language in bills that fall under their areas of responsibility.
The Urban Affairs and Housing Committee reviews measures related to housing and community revitalization, including vacant properties and blight, public housing, land banks and planned communities. The panel also oversees the operations of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
The Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee protects the health and safety of the public by handling all legislation, rules and regulations on consumer affairs, regulated public utility services and the 29 professional and occupational licensing boards in Pennsylvania. It also oversees numerous state boards, authorities and commissions designed to uphold necessary standards of professional conduct.
The Appropriations Committee reviews all legislation for its fiscal impact and plays a crucial role in negotiating and developing the state budget. Each year, it holds a series of public hearings with leaders of state departments and agencies to study the governor’s budget proposal and ensure taxpayer dollars are being utilized properly.
The Communications and Technology Committee oversees legislative efforts to improve access to high-speed internet in all corners of the commonwealth, ensures valuable personal information is protected and secured in state government, and considers overall state information technology efficiencies and improvement.
The Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee works closely with the Department of Community and Economic Development on issues pertaining to the state’s various grant and loan programs to support business growth and development.
The Health and Human Services Committee is responsible for legislative and policy priorities impacting public health, human services, the state’s Medical Assistance program, substance use disorders and addiction treatment options, mental and behavioral health services and rural health issues.
The Law and Justice Committee reviews legislation, regulations and policies pertaining to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and the Pennsylvania State Police.
Nicole McGerry nmcgerry@pasen.gov