Senator Farry E-Newsletter

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On-demand Voting in Bucks County has been Extended

I am happy to announce that on-demand voting has been extended in Bucks County until close of business on November 1, 2024. This means you can apply for, receive, vote, and return a mail-in ballot at the Bucks County Board of Elections Offices, including the Government Services Center in Levittown, during normal business hours before the close of business on November 1, 2024. 

Over the past week, our office has heard from concerned constituents that thought they were being disenfranchised in their attempt to on-demand vote in Bucks County.  Because of long lines and a lengthy process, voters were being turned away during advertised voting hours. I joined with Congressman Fitzpatrick, Senator Coleman, and Representatives Hogan, Labs, Marcell, Staats, and Tomlinson to raise concerns to the Board of Elections regarding this practice and the possible disenfranchisement of Bucks County voters.

Today the Court ruled against the Bucks County Board of Elections and found that “turning away voters who sought to apply for a mail-in ballot and receive one in person before the deadline of 5:00pm on October 29, 2024, violated the Pennsylvania Election Code.”

The right to vote is fundamental and I am pleased that ultimately those voters that were disenfranchised will have the opportunity to vote the way they sought to have their vote cast. 

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