Senator Farry E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Langhorne Manor Basin Ribbon Cutting
  • Lifelong Learning Expo at Bucks County Community College
  • Medication Take Back Day
  • PennDOT Survey Open Until Oct. 20
  • Turn Around, Don’t Drown: What to Do When Roads Flood

Langhorne Manor Basin Ribbon Cutting

This past weekend, I joined Rep. Hogan, representatives from Langhorne Manor Borough Council and community members in Langhorne Manor for a ribbon cutting for the completion of their first major MS4 stormwater project, an installation of a dry basin along Comly Avenue adjacent to the railroad tracks bordering Penndel, between Hulmeville Ave and Station Ave.

The project was funded in part through a $230,000 state grant and a Bucks County Redevelopment Authority (RDA) grant of $175,000 funded by casino money.  I was proud to champion legislation with former Sen. Tomlinson in 2017 that changed the law to allow additional municipalities to be eligible for these funds.   Recognizing the needs of smaller towns, I am pleased to be able to help in offsetting some of the costs for this worthwhile project.   

Langhorne Manor Borough is the first municipality in Lower Bucks County to acquire an MS4 permit.  A MS4 system (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) is a program to administer the stormwater requirements of the federal Clean Water Act, and requires a reduction in the sediment and pollutants entering our watersheds.

Lifelong Learning Expo at Bucks County Community College

Medication Take Back Day

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 10 am – 2 pm! This year’s Take Back event will feature 48 public collection sites throughout the county. Simply walk or drive up and drop in any unused, unneeded or expired medications for safe disposal.

In addition to prescription medications, law enforcement officers will be collecting over-the-counter and pet medications, vitamins, vaping products and more. Plus, select sites throughout the county will be collecting medications and sharps and distributing Narcan on October 28! Visit for site locations and what’s accepted.

(Can’t make it to Take Back Day? You can still safely dispose of your medications at one of the collection boxes located in Bucks County Police Departments. Find a box near you:

PennDOT Survey Open Until Oct. 20

What do you think of PennDOT’s construction and maintenance services? Motorists have until Friday, Oct. 20, to provide feedback via an online survey.

The 24-question survey asks respondents how they receive PennDOT roadway information and how often PennDOT meets or exceeds expectations regarding construction and maintenance services. Respondents are also asked about experiences with reporting concerns to their department, and whether or how they use the state’s 511PA traveler information services.

Turn Around, Don’t Drown: What to do When Roads Flood

Flooding is more common during hurricane season. As a first responder, I can’t stress enough how important it is to listen to flood warnings, and not drive through flooded roads. After all, it takes just two feet of fast-moving water to float a car. 

Anyone who drives around barriers intended to close a road can face increased penalties if emergency responders are called to rescue motorists who disregard traffic control signs.

Learn more about flooding and how to prepare for it here.


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