Senator Farry E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • State and Federal Tax Forms Available in My Office
  • Protecting PA’s Local Governments from Cyberattacks
  • Supporting PA Seniors
  • PA VETConnect Helps Veterans Access Programs and Services
  • Preventing Cancer by Increasing Access to Screenings

State and Federal Tax Forms Available in My Office

Tax-filing season has opened, and we have free state and federal tax forms available in our office.  Our office is located at 370 East Maple Avenue in Langhorne.  You may stop by at any time Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 4:30pm.

The state Department of Revenue also wants to remind taxpayers of the free online option to file their Pennsylvania personal income tax returns:  The deadline to submit 2023 personal income tax returns is April 15.

Our office can also assist with your Property Tax/Rent Rebate Application.  Nearly 175,000 additional Pennsylvanians are eligible for the program this year due to the income cap increase to $45,000 for both homeowners and renters.  Only half of your Social Security income is included in calculations. Call our office @ 215-638-1784 with any questions or to schedule an appointment. 

Protecting PA’s Local Governments from Cyberattacks

The Senate Communications and Technology Committee this week examined cybersecurity threats faced by local governments and municipal authorities.

During the hearing, I spoke about the recent cyberattacks targeting the Bucks County computer-aided dispatch system (CAD).  The cyberattack caused an outage for nine days and impacted local law enforcement agencies, fire companies, and ambulance squads, including in-vehicle computers and apps that alert responders of active calls.

While the system was down, the dispatchers had to rely on manual measures and backup systems to document and dispatch calls for service.  As a first responder, an attack like this makes our job more difficult and further highlights the reliance we have on technology.
I want to thank Bucks County 911 staff for doing a great job handling this difficult situation and to all those that helped get the CAD system back online and operational.  This cyberattack on a core and necessary function of our government was substantial and unfortunately became reality.   
Learn more from the cybersecurity experts and local government officials who took part in the hearing.

Supporting PA Seniors

As part of our commitment to healthy and safe communities, we are focused on supporting Pennsylvania seniors. This means making sure they have access to the health care they need and preventing their exploitation.

One new law adjusts Medicaid reimbursement rates for nursing homes so the facilities can continue to meet the needs of vulnerable patients. Another law ensures seniors do not lose access to Pennsylvania’s prescription drug programs due to an increase in their Social Security payments.

A third piece of legislation recently signed into law aims to prevent elder abuse by strengthening guardianship laws. It protects vulnerable adults within the guardianship system from fraud, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

PA VETConnect Helps Veterans Access Programs and Services

Because of legislation supported by Senate Republicans, PA VETConnect makes it easier for Pennsylvania’s 700,000 veterans to access the programs and services available to help them.

Administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, PA VETConnect benefits service members, veterans and their families. The database of resources enables local veteran advocates to point veterans to information, resources, programs and services in their area and across the commonwealth.

Resource areas include benefits, employment, financial assistance, post-traumatic stress, mental wellness and substance use.

Preventing Cancer by Increasing Access to Screenings

The federal government estimated that nearly two million Americans would be diagnosed with cancer and that more than 600,000 would die from their disease in 2023. Research shows that more than 40% of those cases can be attributed to preventable causes such as smoking, physical inactivity, excessive exposure to the sun and excess body weight.

Making healthier choices can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. Learn how you can put yourself on a better path and test your cancer prevention knowledge here.

Senate Republicans passed legislation that is now law to help Pennsylvanians get the preventative cancer testing they need. Specifically, it eliminates out-of-pocket costs for genetic testing of hereditary cancer syndromes and supplemental breast screenings for women at high risk of developing breast cancer.


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